Part 2 – Inspire

Part 2

Part 2

Part 2 of the Methodological guide is specifically devoted in setting the guidelines for the two innovative learning training guides to follow, namely:

Table of Contents:


Methodology undertaken for O1 Part 2  6

Output 2- learning training guide for career development and psychometric methods 

Output type and expected results 

Output description  

Specifications of O2 

0utput 3 learning training guide for viable business models of social enterprises addressing sustainable development goals (SDGs) and for effective use of social media 

Output type and expected results 

Output description  

Specifications of O3

Output 4- inspire serious game

Output type and expected results

Output description

Specifications of O4

Main scope and expected results of the project in national and European level

Evaluation of project results

Evaluation and quality assurance of the project’s outputs

Evaluation of Project Outputs

Formative Assessment of Output 1 ‘Methodological guide of INSPIRE project’

Summative Assessment of Output 1

Formative Assessment of Output 2 ‘Learning training guide for career development and psychometric methods’

Summative Assessment of Output 2

Formative Assessment of Output 3 ‘Learning Training Guide for Viable business models of social enterprises addressing SDGs

Output 3 Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment o Output 4 Serious Game

Output 4 Summative Assessment