Methodological guide of INSPIRE project – Inspire

Methodological guide of INSPIRE project

Part 1

The present Methodological guide will introduce you to the whole project. It sets the research basis for all other outputs. Most importantly it led partners to get to know each other better and to build a relationship, as well as affiliate within this proposal and work towards common understandings and goals for each of the outputs proposed.

This Part of the Methodological Guide includes fruitful insights on:
A. An overview of today’s situation of Social Entrepreneurship in partners’ countries (Greece, Cyprus and Spain)
B. A status of the Unemployment of Youth of the aforementioned partner countries
C. A definition of Entrepreneurship as a solution to improve employment, including an overview of the social start-ups in partner countries
D. The role of Sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Social Entrepreneurship (SE)
E. The most common types of social enterprises in the partner countries
F. The role of teams in start-ups
G. EU policies, programs and funding schemes prompting SE
H. Percentages of active social enterprises in partner countries
I. Social Start-ups (definition, statistics of social star-ups in partner countries)
J. Factors driving young people to social entrepreneurship and obstacles they might face

Part 2

Part 2 of the Methodological guide is specifically devoted in setting the guidelines for the two innovative learning training guides to follow, namely:

• O2-Learning training guide for career development and psychometric methods,
• O3-Learning training guide for Viable business Models of Social enterprises addressing SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and for effective use of Social Media.

It also sets the framework for the innovative digital assessment tool:
• O4- INSPIRE -Serious- game.
In Part 2, how the evaluation of the project results will ensure its quality level will be discussed as well as a more thorough description of the steps to be followed in each and every output (evaluated formatively and summatively) for the ultimate purpose of achieving the best possible results.